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Product Type: Book (Paper back)
Title of Book: Dealing with the Perils of this Endtime: 10 Truths You Must Know
Name of Author: David Oludairo
Book Description
“… in the last days perilous times shall come.” (2 Timothy 3:1) “But stay awake … praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place…” (Luke 21:36 ESV) In this end-time, the goal of the world and its systems is to distract and hinder men from getting ready for the imminent second coming of Jesus Christ. This goal is propelled by an array of unseen and unrelenting forces that are beyond mankind. As Jesus said in the above passage, strength will be required to escape the perils that will come upon the world. This strength will come from understanding the subtle dynamics that are influencing and directing the days that we live in, including the end-time church. In 10 easy-to-read chapters, this book explains the forces at work, and how to overcome them to stand victorious before Christ as a faithful disciple. A manual for watchfulness in this end-time.
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