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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Authors: Martha Stone
    ISBN: 9781311848758


    Short Description

    Soil-less gardening may seem like an unbelievable idea, but many gardeners have discovered utter joy in Hydroponics Gardening. Some people call it art, others label it science, but many would agree that it is an adventure, similar to choosing a road less taken. Hydroponics Gardening is a branch of hydroculture which grows plants in a water-based solution, taking soil out of the equation

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Authors: Jayson Sorhaindo
    ISBN: 9781370331741

    Short Description

    In the ten chapters of this book, the author discusses different perspectives in choosing agriculture as a career. From these perspectives, a career in agriculture is “de-stigmatized” from being seen as ‘toiling in soil for little pay”, to being embraced for its pivotal role in the survival of families, nations and the world!

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Authors: Eric Otis Simmons
    ISBN: 9781005158859

    Short Description

    Self Publisher’s Toolkit is a two-in-one resource that shows you how to self publish a book and then market it to Libraries, a viable $30+ billion segment often overlooked by self publishers.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: FIRST AID FOR THE BEGINNER – The Basics of First Aid
    Name of Author: M. Usman
    Name of Publisher: Mendon Cottage Books
    ISBN: 9781311741813


    Short Description

    When it comes to defining first aid, it means the immediate care provided to an ill or injured person before a proper medical treatment is availed. In other words, first aid can be regarded as the life saving measures. But, why is it so important to know about first aid?

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: EAT FOR NUTRITION
    Name of Authors: Steven Langley
    ISBN: 9781370027453

    Short Description

    There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to nutrition. However, there are ideas and concepts that when applied can be beneficial to all. In Eat for Nutrition, you’ll discover the ins of outs of the best foods so you can be the best you. Learn what works best for your body and start reaping the benefits of good nutrition. You’ll never diet again!

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Authors: Steven G. Carley, PhD
    ISBN: 9781005855390

    Short Description

    The 1st 3 chapters cover self-psychology, social psychology, & biological psychology. Next chapters on motivation & some historical figures. Next is mathematical computation & the human brain & nutrition. Chapters 9, 10, & 11 discuss operant & classical conditioning. Chapter 12 & 13 cover relationships & stress with 14 & 15 discussing learning and memory.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: TREATMENT PLANNING 101
    Name of Authors: G. Scott Graham
    ISBN: 9781005313883

    Short Description

    Treatment Planning 101 will give counselors and coaches a foundation in how to develop goals and action plans for any client. Counselors, including social workers, mental health workers, substance abuse providers and psychotherapists will learn new ways to help a client navigate into the unknown.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: HOW TO WRITE USE CASES
    Name of Authors: DeEtta Jennings – Balthazar
    ISBN: 9781005547929

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Name of Authors: DeEtta Jennings – Balthazar
    ISBN: 9781005333225

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History
    Name of Authors: Steve Deace & Todd Erzen
    ISBN: 9781637581124

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: THE ZEAL OF THE SON OF GOD
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Price: FREE
    Publisher: Crystal Frames (www.crystalframes.com.ng)



    [btn text=”Introductory Hymn” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/000a.%20Introductory%20Hymn%20-%20With%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Introduction” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/000b.%20Introduction.wav%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 1″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/001.%20Chapter%201%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 2″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/002.%20Chapter%202%20-%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 3″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/003.%20Chapter%203%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 4″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/004.%20Chapter%204%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 5″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/005.%20Chapter%205%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

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    [btn text=”Chapter 7″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/007.%20Chapter%207%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]


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    Book Description

    This book is directed to the Christian Individual. It was broken off from my previously published book, “The Light and The Shining Light.”

    It seeks to present to the Christian the Zeal of Christ and how it should spur us to full hearted devotion and service.

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    Product Type: Book & Video (Hard Print & DVD)
    Producer: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Book Description

    Learn With Akin is a series that promises to educate young ones with innovative, engaging, systematic, and productive content in a retainable way.

    Learn With Akin Series is not only meticulous about teaching knowledge and intelligence the best way possible, it is also very meticulous about embedding right morals and values in the young. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr puts it, “Education without morals is like a ship without compass merely wondering no where.” For this reason, we believe it is futile to educate young ones without morals.

    Learn With Akin Series promises to make learning fun, engaging, and productive, and we’ve just started it in grand style. Your kids can’t afford to miss it.

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  • Product Type: 3D Model
    Title of Product: LOW POLY TACTICAL VEHICLES – Pack of 6
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Product Description

    Here is a pack of military tactical vehicles. The vehicles include:
    1. Quad Bike
    2. Hummer (Patrol Vehicle)
    3. Armoured Personnel Carrier
    4. Supply Truck
    5. Rocket Launcher Truck
    6. Armoured Tank

    They are all low poly, well rigged, done with simple materials and no textures, and prepared in Blender 2.79 internal. They are available in the .blend file format.

    I hope you find these models useful for your project.


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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Download High Quality PDF  |  Download Low Quality PDF  |  Download ePub

    Book Description

    Christian dressing is one of the most neglected aspect of Christianity today. As a consequence it has made Christian people everywhere dress in ways that are not guided by scriptures and which in turn makes the Christian faith to be everything other than what it is in truth. This is by about the worst of all the forms of identity crises rocking the church of Christ today. I therefore wish to talk about it in detail.

    The book is divided into five sections. In the first I sought to set the stage and help us understand the basis upon which everything else shall be built. This cuts across understanding how things have evolved in respect to dressing in recent decades, traditions, and mode of reasoning when seeking the truth. The second is about what we have direct instructions about in scriptures. The third is about other rules we could come up with rationally and logically but don’t have a direct command about in scriptures. The forth section deals with other issues of less importance but is worth discussing under this topic. And the fifth is the summary and conclusion.

    I hope this book blesses you the reader, and I hope it helps achieve a turn around from the present disaster we are facing in respect to dressing. I hope it helps in bringing an end to all the misrepresentations of our faith in the way we dress. Thank you and God bless you. Amen.

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    Product Type: Book & Audio (Hard Print & Audio CD)
    Title of Book: POEMS FOR THE YOUNG
    Editor: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Book Description

    This book is a collection of poems especially for kids. The goal of its production is to teach kids how to read and to speed up their  learning process while getting to know some useful poems. For this reason it also comes with an audio CD that children can listen to while they read. The audio has very good and accurate English pronunciations.

    Apart from this, I suppose using poems to learn how to read is a great idea because of the use of rhymes in poems. One of the most tricky things about reading in English Language is the fact that words sometimes sound different from how they are spelt. In many languages, the moment you know the alphabet you should be quite able to read comfortably. However this is not true concerning English language. For example one of the rhymes I spotted in this book is “rise” and “eyes”. Though they sound similar yet their spellings vary completely. For this reason, helping children get acquainted with this tricky aspect of the language by means of rhymes is a great idea.

    Asides these, the poems are carefully selected to be such as build character and teach about life generally. There are some amusing poems there too, but in all, they have a constructive effect on the minds of the young. I therefore recommend it to every single child out there.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Author: Victor M. Ukaogo

    Available Formats: PDF | ePub

    Book Description

    The Philosophers dream is a collection of poetry written about Africa.it aims to highlight the problems of Africa in a personalized form.africans have adopted alot of destructive characters as a norm.

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