Product Type: e-Book
Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (
Price: Free
Book Short Description
This is a book about what the Bible says about the Christian home. The things it contains are:
-The foundation of the home
-The roles of husbands, wives, and children
-Challenges facing the home
-And other sundry issues
It is my heart’s desire that these things bless you and that we shall see in years to come, if the Lord tarries, that our homes are godlier, healthier, happier, and more successful in every sense of the word. Thank you and God bless you.
The journey to the writing and completion of this book started when Meghan and Harry got married. Before their marriage I noticed that every time I visited a news website, almost every website was broadcasting an impending wedding of the two of them. Having seen these for a number weeks, I decided to find out what these guys were all about. I discovered that one was a prince and the other an actress. However, any spiced up story naturally irritates me so it was natural for me to feel irritated by the over spiced up story being cooked about their marriage. They tried to make it an incredible story by forcing the name of Meghan (who was already a popular celebrity) into obscurity so that it’ll sound like a spectacular story of how a nobody met a prince and became a duchess. WOW! But a day or so before the wedding I understood that Meghan was a divorcee whose former husband was still living, and the prince was a man with his own past too.
Seeing that they were wedded by the “church” (their church) contrary to Biblical beliefs, I saw this marriage as a clear attack on the institutions of Christian marriage. It seemed to me to be an orchestration of the Devil to stage this unchristian union to cast a filthy shadow over the truths of scriptures concerning Christian marriage. The result was obvious. After the marriage, people everywhere started posting lessons they learned from the marriage and one of them was that there’s nothing wrong with divorce and even remarriage while one’s spouse is still alive. Their wedding affected the perception of people regarding marriage in a very negative way. And seeing they were wedded in the church, it had a devastating effect on the view of people concerning the Christian doctrine of marriage. I saw this as a huge and well aimed blow to the face of the doctrine of Christian marriage. The sermon preached on the wedding day, which was rightly called “Gospel According to Hollywood” by some, was also pointing to the fact that the Bible was quite undermined in the whole process. The marriage was applauded and the scripture mocked. It was a tragedy to behold.
when we consider the words of the title of this book one word stands out in qualifying the type of home I’m writing about in this book. That word is “Christian.” So I am not going to be talking about just any home. Homes that are not Christian homes can live by their whims and let their feelings drive them on to whatever destruction they so choose. But as Christians, we ought to lead our families according to the golden rules provided in scriptures. It is these golden rules I wish to present to us that we may experience the joys of God in our homes.
It is divided into 7 sections which are
1. The foundation of the Christian home, where I talked about love and marriage.
2. Knowing the roles, where I talked about the roles of each party of a home.
3. Conjugal commitment, where I talked on things bordering about chastity.
4. Children upbringing, where I talked about parenting and parental responsibilities.
5. Challenges facing the home, where I talked about some challenges that we encounter in trying to build a good Christian home.
6. Sundry issues, where I talked about various other issues in respect to the Christian home
7. Conclusion, in which I brought the book to a conclusion.
It is my heart’s desire that these things bless you and that we shall see in years to come, if the Lord tarries, that our homes are godlier, healthier, happier, and more successful in every sense of the word. Thank you and God bless you.

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