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Category: New Arrivals

New Arrivals

Showing 65–70 of 70 results

  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: DE-ZOMBIELISERS
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    ISBN: 978-978-53971-5-4
    Publisher: Crystal Frames (www.crystalframes.com.ng)

    Book Description

    The peaceful people of Peaseland never thought it could happen. They never even imagined it. Life was so monotonously blissful that they couldn’t wish anything else. Monotony was not loathsome to the people of Peaseland if that monotony was characterised by bliss.

    But when and how they least expected, inspired by a wild ambition, some conspirators sought to capture Peaseland. They had planned their conspiracy scheme so well that they were sure they’d succeed. They were on their way to bringing Peaseland to its knees. They could have succeeded, but a young man, rising up to the challenge, saved them all. He put his life on the line and got Peaseland a hard earned salvation from the evil conspirators.

    Join Bob as he takes you through the story that made him and his family rise up to national heroes of Peaseland.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Price: FREE
    ISBN: 978-978-53971-2-3
    Publisher: Crystal Frames (www.crystalframes.com.ng)


    Book Description

    A book directed to the individual Christian as opposed to the Christian church. It is meant to remind the Christian of his identity and his duty. The writer aims for a personal revival. It is a must read for every Christian as we observe a great darkness settling on the world where we are meant to be light. What is our role? What do we do under this sombre skies compromise? Read and be blessed.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: YOU TOO CAN SUCCEED
    Name of Author: Jairu Feludu
    ISBN: 978 35111 30
    Publisher: Jaifess Press

    Preface To The Book

    This new edition of You Too Can Succeed provides questions at the end of each chapter to help the young reader recall and meditate on what has been read. This is intended to serve the dual purpose of increasing retention and creating vision that will lead to goal setting and achievement.

    Some of the chapters have been revised with a view to providing more information and correcting some errors that appeared in the previous edition. More role models have also been introduced whose profiles are bound to inspire the young reader to strive for a life beyond the average.

    On the whole this edition with coloured photographs of many of the personalities showcased as role models on the front cover, has a breathtaking fresh look.

    -C. Jairu Feludu,
    M.Ed (G&C), MCASSON

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Name of Author: Jairu Feludu
    Price: FREE
    ISBN: 978 – 35111 –7 –3
    Publisher: Jaifess Press


    Book Description

    Pilgrims Dictionary of Quotations is a book containing over 1,690 contemporary quotations as well as Bible references on 217 great themes.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: THE WORD OF GOD
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Price: FREE
    Publisher: Crystal Frames (www.crystalframes.com.ng)


    Book Description

    This is a book that seeks to answer some important questions that arises about the Word of God. It also seeks to address some faulty ideas prevalent among many about the Bible such as why we have multiple translations, how it was compiled, etc. It is a must read for any wishing to know what has transpired down the history lane as it relates to the Bible.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: FAITH: The Evidence of Things not Seen
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Price: FREE
    ISBN: 978-978-53971-0-9
    Publisher: Crystal Frames (www.crystalframes.com.ng)


    Book Description

    Faith is a book seeking to prove the existence of God. Apart from this, the very important question, who then is God, that automatically follows is here answered.

    The importance of the question as to whether or not God exists cannot be over emphasised. It is therefore imparative to seek to know him and follow him. This book seeks helps the doubter, confused, and/or seeking man to find his God.

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