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New Arrivals

Showing 33–48 of 70 results

  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo
    ISBN: 9781005845407

    Available Formats:
    Download PDF  |  Download ePub

    Book Description

    The author seeks to bring to light the sinister nature of the agenda of Amnesty International in Nigeria. He takes a close look at the report by Amnesty International  titled, “NIGERIA: A HARROWING JOURNEY”. He points out the the absurdities, dubiousness, and sinisterness of the report as it reveals the nature of the agenda of Amnesty International.
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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: I DECREE & DECLARE
    Name of Author: Wale-Rich Oladunjoye

    Available Formats:
    PDF | ePub

    Book Description

    The PRAYING SCRIPTURE Book is written and released in series. Each of the four series covering a year features a common layout and are related to each other however the content of each series shows considerable coverage of different needs and demands.

    In a sense the PS can be looked on as ‘a wonderful example of a book which contains a whole range of what every individual needs for divine intervention.

    The contents of the book have been utilised by Christians and non-Christain throughout the world, having many of its phrases becoming part of our everyday language and still influencing the worship and devotions of millions of both Christians and non- Christian today.

    Your personal copy is must.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: BEHIND THE VEIL
    Name of Author: Comfort .F. Ogunfalu
    ISBN: 9798482036433
    Word Count: 16,700

    Available Formats:
    PDF | ePub

    Book Description

    Behind the veil, I have hidden my bruises, my fail, my pain, my shame and I have failed to see more to the beauty and brains behind it.

    When the veil finally got caught in the wind and there’s nothing I can do to retrieve it back, I was left vunerable and open to exploit again.

    But a slight change has happened, I am no longer that little unstable forl that has been used and naive.

    I am wiser and assertive. I can boldly say my failure wasn’t my end.

    I saw, I came and I conquered.

    I didn’t let my failure put me down and I certainly can say as an average secondary school certificate holder, I have experience that transcend that certificate.

    I am no longer that girl I used to be. Nothing can stop the massive success in me. God’s victory is sure for me.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: MY REFLECTIONS – Volume 2
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Cost: Free

    Available Formats: PDF | ePub

    Book Description

    This is book is a compilation of my Christian articles. The articles are all published on my blog blog.ayomikun.com.ng. I hope that as you read it it blesses you.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Name of Author: Simon Ademu
    Available Formats: PDF

    Book Description

    Reading has a number of benefits including improving your memory and vocabulary, helping you learn new things, and improving focus and concentration. A lot of people say that they want to develop a reading habit but are unable to due to a lack of time. I was one of those people myself at one point in my life. I have used a number of strategies to help me read more and develop an effective daily reading habit.

    In this book we shall be highlighting some of these strategies.

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  • Product Type:eBook
    Available Formats: PDF
    Name of Author: Victoria Yoosuff
    Name of Publisher: Crystal Frames


    The word steps denotes movement. For you to climb a step you have to make a move. If you are on a staircase and you are not moving, you would soon obstruct others. Climbing a step is an upward movement. Descending fit of stairs is a downward movement. In this book I would be leading you on a journey to move up the stairs. We are focusing on moving forward, moving higher, moving faster and how you can be more intimate in your marriage. I pray you would open your hearts, minds to learn, unlearn and relearn something spectacular from the pages of this book.

    The outcome of your marriage, to a large extent, is determined by your mindset.To every married couple, your home can be as peaceful and as successful as you want it to be. From today, I encourage you to determine in your mind what you want for your marriage. Make up your mind that you want a happy home. You will be among those who are enjoying this marriage to the fullest. If this is your resolve, then you have to be ready to work on you marriage daily. Make little effort daily that will have massive changes. Rome was not build it a day.

    Take a decision that there is no room for separation, no room for divorce. Only death would separate you from your spouse and your home.
    Thank God you are reading this book. There are many more books on marriage and success stories on marriage. Equip yourself with these resource materials. As a man or woman wanting to marry, you need to develop your mind. Your mind gets exposed when you read book. Read as much as possible. Living together, sharing each other’s dreams, ideas, thoughts and aspirations and communicating with each other is the key to any successful marriage. You can have a blissful marriage. You need to take your STEPS together.

    Happy reading friends.
    Victoria Yoosuff

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  • Product Type:eBook
    Title of Book: WHO SHOULD I MARRY?
    Available Formats: PDF
    Name of Author: Victoria Yoosuff


    This is a book every youth, single, marriage counselor should have. It discuss important topics such as what marriage is and why marriages fail? Secrets to having Bilssful home. Cogent questions to ask in courtship. It also contains the authors Story on how she discovered who she was to marry.

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    Product Type: Book & Video (Paperback & DVD)
    Producers: Crystal Educational & Igbo Language Online
    Publisher: Crystal Frames
    ISBN: 9789785397192

    Book Description

    Learn Igbo With Ngozi and Chima is a project by Crystal Educational and Igbo Language Online. It comes with all the force of modern day educational contents.

    The content of the book is as follows,
    1. Igbo Alphabet (A-Z)
    2. Igbo Numerals (1-100)
    3. Counting and Addition

    The book also comes with a DVD.

    [kad_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/ZvH_UCbhqe0″ ]



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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Title of Book: THE ZEAL OF THE SON OF GOD
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Price: FREE
    Publisher: Crystal Frames (www.crystalframes.com.ng)



    [btn text=”Introductory Hymn” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/000a.%20Introductory%20Hymn%20-%20With%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Introduction” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/000b.%20Introduction.wav%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 1″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/001.%20Chapter%201%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 2″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/002.%20Chapter%202%20-%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 3″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/003.%20Chapter%203%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 4″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/004.%20Chapter%204%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 5″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/005.%20Chapter%205%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 6″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/006.%20Chapter%206%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]

    [btn text=”Chapter 7″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/007.%20Chapter%207%20-%20with%20music.mp3″ target=”_blank”]


    [btn text=”Full Book (Zip)” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://archive.org/download/THEZEALOFTHESONOFGOD_201603/The%20Zeal%20of%20The%20Son%20of%20God%20Full%20Book.zip” target=”_blank”]


    Book Description

    This book is directed to the Christian Individual. It was broken off from my previously published book, “The Light and The Shining Light.”

    It seeks to present to the Christian the Zeal of Christ and how it should spur us to full hearted devotion and service.

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    Product Type: Book & Video (Hard Print & DVD)
    Producer: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Book Description

    Learn With Akin is a series that promises to educate young ones with innovative, engaging, systematic, and productive content in a retainable way.

    Learn With Akin Series is not only meticulous about teaching knowledge and intelligence the best way possible, it is also very meticulous about embedding right morals and values in the young. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr puts it, “Education without morals is like a ship without compass merely wondering no where.” For this reason, we believe it is futile to educate young ones without morals.

    Learn With Akin Series promises to make learning fun, engaging, and productive, and we’ve just started it in grand style. Your kids can’t afford to miss it.

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  • Product Type: 3D Model
    Title of Product: LOW POLY TACTICAL VEHICLES – Pack of 6
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Product Description

    Here is a pack of military tactical vehicles. The vehicles include:
    1. Quad Bike
    2. Hummer (Patrol Vehicle)
    3. Armoured Personnel Carrier
    4. Supply Truck
    5. Rocket Launcher Truck
    6. Armoured Tank

    They are all low poly, well rigged, done with simple materials and no textures, and prepared in Blender 2.79 internal. They are available in the .blend file format.

    I hope you find these models useful for your project.


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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Download High Quality PDF  |  Download Low Quality PDF  |  Download ePub

    Book Description

    Christian dressing is one of the most neglected aspect of Christianity today. As a consequence it has made Christian people everywhere dress in ways that are not guided by scriptures and which in turn makes the Christian faith to be everything other than what it is in truth. This is by about the worst of all the forms of identity crises rocking the church of Christ today. I therefore wish to talk about it in detail.

    The book is divided into five sections. In the first I sought to set the stage and help us understand the basis upon which everything else shall be built. This cuts across understanding how things have evolved in respect to dressing in recent decades, traditions, and mode of reasoning when seeking the truth. The second is about what we have direct instructions about in scriptures. The third is about other rules we could come up with rationally and logically but don’t have a direct command about in scriptures. The forth section deals with other issues of less importance but is worth discussing under this topic. And the fifth is the summary and conclusion.

    I hope this book blesses you the reader, and I hope it helps achieve a turn around from the present disaster we are facing in respect to dressing. I hope it helps in bringing an end to all the misrepresentations of our faith in the way we dress. Thank you and God bless you. Amen.

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    Product Type: Book & Audio (Hard Print & Audio CD)
    Title of Book: POEMS FOR THE YOUNG
    Editor: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo

    Book Description

    This book is a collection of poems especially for kids. The goal of its production is to teach kids how to read and to speed up their  learning process while getting to know some useful poems. For this reason it also comes with an audio CD that children can listen to while they read. The audio has very good and accurate English pronunciations.

    Apart from this, I suppose using poems to learn how to read is a great idea because of the use of rhymes in poems. One of the most tricky things about reading in English Language is the fact that words sometimes sound different from how they are spelt. In many languages, the moment you know the alphabet you should be quite able to read comfortably. However this is not true concerning English language. For example one of the rhymes I spotted in this book is “rise” and “eyes”. Though they sound similar yet their spellings vary completely. For this reason, helping children get acquainted with this tricky aspect of the language by means of rhymes is a great idea.

    Asides these, the poems are carefully selected to be such as build character and teach about life generally. There are some amusing poems there too, but in all, they have a constructive effect on the minds of the young. I therefore recommend it to every single child out there.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Name of Author: Victor M. Ukaogo

    Available Formats: PDF | ePub

    Book Description

    The Philosophers dream is a collection of poetry written about Africa.it aims to highlight the problems of Africa in a personalized form.africans have adopted alot of destructive characters as a norm.

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  • Product Type: e-Book
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Price: Free


    Available Formats: PDF | ePub

    Book Short Description

    This is a book about what the Bible says about the Christian home. The things it contains are:

    -The foundation of the home
    -The roles of husbands, wives, and children
    -Challenges facing the home
    -And other sundry issues

    It is my heart’s desire that these things bless you and that we shall see in years to come, if the Lord tarries, that our homes are godlier, healthier, happier, and more successful in every sense of the word. Thank you and God bless you.

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  • Product Type: eBook
    Title of Book: MY REFLECTIONS – Volume 1
    Name of Author: Moses Ayomikun Oladipupo (www.ayomikun.com.ng)
    Cost: Free

    Available Formats: PDF | ePub

    Book Description

    This is book is a compilation of my Christian articles. The articles are all published on my blog blog.ayomikun.com.ng. I hope that as you read it it blesses you.

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